lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Great blogs, great teachers!

Hi everyone!

I'm going to talk about some great blogs:

The first blog has been created by Rocío Arroyo:

Rocío proposes interesting reflections and activities in her blog. Moreover, she has posted useful resources and materials, just like her project about “The Body” (which is giving me some new ideas…), the storyjumper project about toys (adapted to pre-primary education children) and the Edpuzzle project (also about toys) for older students. That’s a great job!

 The second blog I’ve chosen is from Esther Vega:

     Esther has chosen a great template structure for her blog, and a good colour too; but maybe she had to add some pictures to make her blog more attractive. The content is related to Secondary Ed. Students, and I’m very interested in these stages. I usually teach in Primary (or Pre-Primary) Education, so I don’t have opportunities to put into practice this kind of tasks. However, I want to know how these tools work with older students. For example, her Pixton project is amazing! I love it. And also, the timetoast project about Women who changed the World. Good job, mate!

The best way of learning is sharing!

See you!

Teacher Carmen

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